Things you need to know Markets churn ahead of Friday’s CPI report 10 Yr Treasury yields top 3.04% UK PM ‘Bojo’ survived a vote of No Confidence – by a whisker Oil continues to march higher taking gas along with it. Try the Classic Meat Sauce It was a relatively quiet day on Monday, no eco data, no earnings data, …
NFP Remains Strong, Brainard Supports More Rate Increases – Try the T-Bone (Trentino Style)
Things you need to know NFP continues to suggest a strong labor market Stocks closed lower as another FED head repeats the narrative Oil – kissing $120/gal. The national average is now $5.15/gal Jubilee is over and now Boris faces a vote of No- confidence. Try the T-Bone from the Trentino/Alto Adige region of Italy And stocks ended the week …
Is the Hurricane Happening at JPM? – Try the Baked Chicken Thighs
Things you need to know Jamie Dimon tells us to ‘brace ourselves for the coming hurricane’ while Marko Kolanoic says ‘Don’t be Ridiculous’ The Saudi’s remain ‘strategically ambiguous’ Russia is expected to remain the + in OPEC More FED members calling for aggressive interest rate moves The Platinum Jubilee has begun as Britons across the nation sing ‘God Save the …
Mea Culpa’s? Oh Boy…Maybe Waller is Right! -Try the Pasta Fresca
Things you need to know Waller comments cause angst and multiple mea culpa’s Joey has lunch with JJ and commits to ‘leaving him alone’ OPEC considers throwing Russia out of OPEC +, Oil marches higher It is a new month with new eco data and a June FED meeting Try the Pasta Fresca So stocks couldn’t keep it up…..the …
Fed Gov Waller Throws Gas on the Fire – Try the Soft Shell Crabs
Things you need to know Another Bear Market Rally takes stocks higher Fed Governor Waller throws gas on the fire Oil surges on the back of the Russian Ban – Hello $120 Lots of Fed Speak this week and lots of Eco data Try the Soft-Shell Crabs Stocks continued the rally on Friday that began earlier in the week – …
Is Sentiment Changing?? Oil Heads Towards $120/Try the Apple Pie and Ice Cream
Things you need to know Stocks march higher – 5 days in a row! Oil pierces resistance and heads towards $120/barrel at the start of the summer driving season Is the turmoil over? The latest retailers reporting strong numbers The most beaten-up names are now the biggest beneficiaries Try the Apple Pie and Ice Cream Wait! What did we hear …
High End Retailers – Tale of Two Cities – Try the Sausage Peppers, Onions and Mushrooms
Things you need to know The FED does not surprise but plays both sides of the fence. Algo’s loved what they heard and took stocks up NVDA and SNOW get taken out to the woodshed High End Retailers NOT reporting difficulties ahead – Tale of Two Cities Gasoline supplies decline – Ahead of the long weekend – Demand is strong …
Eco Data Starting Show Cracks – Try the Ratatouille
Things you need to know Nasdaq continues to get slammed as investors reprice the risk Eco data is starting to show cracks New Home Sales reacting to higher rates FOMC minutes due out at 2 pm Try the Ratatouille for the weekend BBQ And the beating continues….stocks under pressure for most of the day, the Nasdaq goes deeper and deeper …
The Rally Fizzles, SNAP Snapped – Try the Simple Baby Back Ribs
Things you need to know The rally does not have legs – stocks under pressure Eco data today details the state of housing 10 yr. treasuries prices are up again, oil is under a bit of pressure Expect more fallout over the Joey ‘Taiwan’ commentary as the WH tries to bury that story. Try the Simple Baby Back Pork Ribs …
Stocks are UP (again), Joey Creates a Firestorm in China – Try the Short Rib Burgers
Things you need to know We kissed the bear and ran away Joey ignites a firestorm around China/Taiwan and then again around the Indo-Pacific ‘understanding’ that doesn’t include China Oil higher, sends gasoline higher – CA has a $6 handle on a gal of gas (a Ford 150 now costs you $150 to fill it) Try the Short Rib Burgers …