Bonds Yields Mimic the Energizer Bunny – They Just Don’t Quit/Try the Pumpkin/Butternut Squash Risotto.

Kenny PolcariUncategorized

Things you need to know. –         Bond yields keep climbing….and if Jamie Dimon is correct – they will go higher still. –         Another FED head calls for even higher rates. –         AMZN lights up the AI space – keeping it front and center. –         Jo Jo -makes history and visits the striking UAW workers – begging for votes. KJP (Press …

Investors Remain Skittish – How High Will Yields Go? Chaos on Capitol Hill/Try the Thin Spaghetti w/Ricotta & Spinach

Kenny PolcariUncategorized

Things you need to know. –         We are entering the final week of the quarter – expect lots of churn. –         Stocks remain in a downtrend; rates remain higher for longer. –         UAW enters its 10th day….and still no end in sight. –         Chaos on Capitol Hill – Kevy’s job is on the line, 5 rouge members defining the narrative …

Risk Off is Alive and Well, 10 Yr Yields Kiss 4.49%/Try the Scampi

Kenny PolcariUncategorized

Things you need to know. –        Risk Off is Alive and Well –        The 10 Yr. Bond is now yielding 4.49%, the 2 yr. kissed 5.2% –        Stocks close on the lows of the day…. –        Eco data is weaker than expected. –        Kevin McCarthy suffers an embarrassing defeat…Chaos on Capitol Hill –        Try the Shrimp Scampi **My appearance yesterday …

The FED Pauses (Yawn), but Remains Hawkish, Risk Off, Yields UP- Try the Greek Filet of Sole.

Kenny PolcariUncategorized

Things you need to know. –        The FED Paused – you would have to be living in a cave to be surprised –        The FED remains Hawkish – you would have to be living under a rock to be surprised –        Algo’s not happy….stocks declined and are declining again today –        End of Quarter only days away… –        Try the …

Get Ready for 2 pm…..It Hinges on What JJ Says vs. What he Does – Try the Eggplant Caponata.

Kenny PolcariUncategorized

Things you need to know. –        It’s all about JJ – What he says is more important than what he does. –        Will he hint at hiking the target inflation rate? –        Will he suggest we are at the peak? –        What words will he delete from the narrative? –        UK inflation unexpectedly FALLS – Will the BoE pause? –        …

Stocks Churn, Oil Surges, UAW Still Out and CART goes Public – Try the Escarole and Beans.

Kenny PolcariUncategorized

Things you need to know. –         Stocks churn ahead of the FOMC meeting. –         ARM continues to pullback after the hype, Instacart IPO’s today. –         Oil keeps going higher…. Hmmm…think about that for a minute. –         The UAW really wants more than 36% and threatens more strikes on Friday. –         Try the Escarole & Beans Stocks, bonds, oil, gold, and …

PPI Hot, FED says ‘it’s transitory’, ARM is hot and the UAW walkout/Try the Ropa Vieja

Kenny PolcariUncategorized

–         PPI is hotter too, but don’t worry – the FED has it under control. –         Retail Sales surge – why?  Higher prices –         Oil pierces $90/barrel – expect transportation costs to surge and then what? –         2’s now yielding 5.03%, the 10’s are yielding 4.31% – hello?  –         ECB hikes rates and signals – what? –         Try the Ropa …

CPI? (Yawn!) FED Steady (Yawn), More Eco data likely to do Nothing to Psyche – Try the Tomato Salad Fritters.

Kenny PolcariUncategorized

Things you need to know. CPI was a bit hotter, but investors appear to be OK. PPI and Retail Sales Today…. Will that change the mindset? UAW counting down to 11:59 pm – then what? ARM – priced at $51 – Any bets on the opening price? Investor interest is supposedly 10x’s oversubscribed…. How aggressive with buyer be?  And the …

Tech Continues to Struggle, Apple Introduces New iPhones, Oil Kisses $90 – Try Guiseppina’s Apple Cake.

Kenny PolcariUncategorized

Things you need to know. –         Apple Wanderlust!  New phones, watches, operating systems, cameras (and spy equipment?) –         Tech continues to struggle – could it just be it is overvalued? –         Today is CPI Day…. let the countdown begin – T minus 120 mins. –         Oil kissing $90…. OPEC raises demand outlook…. What does the Farmer’s almanac say? –         Dollar …

Is the FED sending ‘Smoke Signals’? AAPL on Center Stage, UAW Ready to Strike? – Try the Spinach/Edamame Pesto

Kenny PolcariUncategorized

Things you need to know. –         Stocks churn and end the day higher – Futures this morning suggest a churn lower. –         Is the FED now sending ‘smoke signals’ via Nicky T? A Goldman exclusive will cement that message. –         Apple, Dis, Charter, and ARM all front and center… –         UAW is in heated contract negotiations as the automakers push …