Global markets are in meltdown mode!

Kenny PolcariUncategorized

Things you need to know: Oil crashes – as the Saudi’s look to punish Putin – lows of the day $28/barrel Stock futures trade “limit down” – suggesting that US circuit breakers could be triggered The Safety Trade has a new definition as 10-year yields plunge Is the FED ready for another emergency cut? (Useless) Try the Spaghetti Fini with …

The “Two Viruses” Spread

Kenny PolcariUncategorized

Things you need to know: Markets continue to get hit by the two viruses – COVID19 and FED Policy As stocks fall, US Treasuries surge – sending yields to 0.795% this morning Russia says NO to production cuts – oil declines by 5% – WTI breaks $44/barrel Halts in trading happen when the S&P falls 7% — that would be …

Does it get any better than this? Joe Biden takes the lead, what now?

Kenny PolcariUncategorized

Things you need to know: Joey’s wins cause a visceral reaction in the markets. Bloomberg bows out and pledges millions to help the democrats Dow surges by 1200 pts – Algos do it again, but yesterday felt good! Try the Pacific Halibut KENNY POLCARI, Editor, Chief Market Strategist and Consultant Does it get any better than this? Joe Biden takes …

G-7 stays put

Kenny PolcariUncategorized

Things you need to know: Joey is alive and kicking butt all over the country – it is now a two horse race US futures rise as a Biden candidacy becomes more realistic – Bye bye Lizzy… The FED says that recent rout had ‘nothing to do with emergency rate cut’ (hahahahaha) Loretta (Mester) telling CNBC that this is a …

Chief Market Strategist Ken Polcari

Stocks soar!

Kenny PolcariUncategorized

Things you need to know: Algos go wild – sending the Dow soaring – Apple up 9%! Expectation is for coordinated central bank action – G7 meeting NOW. Energy, Tech, Healthcare, Industrials all lead the way higher Democrats rally behind Joey to push Bernie out. Today is Super Tuesday… Try the Rigatoni with Mustard Cream KENNY POLCARI, Editor, Chief Market …

“Irrational Behavior”

Kenny PolcariUncategorized

Things you need to know: Stocks continued to suffer real IRRATIONALITY – as the sell off intensified Calls for the FED to issue an EMERGENCY statement even more IRRATIONAL COVID19 – makes its way from Seattle, WA to Providence RI NYC, FL and RI get hit with ‘first cases’ – contingency plans taking place to control the spread Try the …

“Everyone needs to take a deep breath”

Kenny PolcariUncategorized

Things you need to know: The rout continues – but put in discounted buy orders so that you are prepared It is approaching ‘panic driven’ selling and that creates long term opportunity Global markets all in correction mode New Zealand is now the next country to get hit Trading action suggests that the US is not prepared – no matter …

“Investors Remain Confused”

Kenny PolcariUncategorized

Things you need to know: Coronavirus is now everywhere BUT Antarctica Trump Vows to fight it- put Pence in charge Is the market under pressure because of the virus or because of Sanders? Stay the course – resist the urge to bail – look for dislocated well run companies Try the Pork Pizzaiola KENNY POLCARI, Editor, Chief Market Strategist and …

“US Stock Got Smashed Again”

Kenny PolcariUncategorized

Things you need to know: Another day of pain for stocks while bond holders celebrate Markets break down – slicing through KEY technical levels – adding fuel to the fire CDC warns of disruptions across the US – WHEN it hits us 10 year Treasuries break 1.3% – sending prices surging and rumors flying Try the Giambotta (throw everything in!) …

BANG! POW! BOOM! Markets got crushed

Kenny PolcariUncategorized

Things you need to know: Markets calm down a little – yet Europe still under pressure US futures attempting to rally (albeit very small) Cases continue to accelerate in Italy, Iran & South Korea Investors should remain calm and go shopping where they find VALUE Try the Italian Style Pork Chops KENNY POLCARI, Editor, Chief Market Strategist and Consultant Who …